
Email : soshihankothandan@gmail.com
Call : +91 96000 73042


    Created (Produced) Many Grand Champions & International Medalists


    Introduced “SAFETY NUNCHAKU” gateway To New Life in Martial art


    pioneer in teaching‘Shito-ryu Karate’Since1979 in India


    Created“SAFETYNUNCHAKU”as Competent Sport To Children


    one & only Organization teaching“Ogasahara Shito-ryu Karate” in Asia

About Us

Kokino International is a non-profitable, service oriented organisation with an aim to promote various activities through which the youth in INDIA could become strong, disciplined and patriotic citizens. Kokino’s legal status and its name cannot be misused by any other individual, group or organisation. Kokino International can join venture with various Government and Private bodies both in India & abroad to promote Martial Arts in general and Karate and Safety Nunchaku in particular.


To-day Kokino enjoys a good reputation in the society, especially among the Martial Arts Community. This has become possible, because of our pains taking efforts in the field of Karate during the past 45 years to implement our prime aim, which is cited in our motto as

» “Perfection is our Pride; Truth, Fairness, Dedication & Discipline are our guide”

Now, time has come to revisit and redefine our vision in order to keep us in pace with the emerging new challenges and modern trends. Hence, we collectively desireous deliberations based on the constant feed back from our well-wishers.

» Kokino International Karate Organization
  • “To promote training and to impart Karate practice for beginners in India with specific reference to Shito-ryu Karate style in General and Ogasahara Shito-ryu Karate in particular”.
  • “To form a consolidated research body in karate and Safety Nunchaku with an aim of engaging in continuous research activities and thereby promote high quality Karate & Safety Nunchaku practice in India on par with international standards and to mobolise resources for such activities”.
  • “To institute an effective and informative publication, sharing avenues to promote periodic dissemination of information to Karate-kas in India on various aspects of Karate & Safety Nunchaku in India & abroad”
  • “ To establish a forum to continuously organise various adventure programs apart from Karate & Safety Nunchaku and thereby promote avenues for youth to build strong personal qualities such as friendship, fraternity, leadership, teamship, braveness, courage, determination & confidence as a part of our nation building”


Mr. M.BALAKRISHANAN is a retired State Bank of India officer and the former President of All India State Bank officers Federation.Being very enthusiatic in promoting Karate he helped us in many ways. Particularly, when Shihan S.Kothandan had problems of transfer from one place to another he was fully involved in promoting Karate through Kokino Shito-ryu Karate School of India which had its Honbu Dojo in Chennai. He helped Kokino without any hesitation whenever needed

Mr. Murali is one of the proud products of Kokino. He is successfully executing an Organisation by name Success Solutions He is lending a helping hand to Kokino in all its activities during the time of Tournaments and other Kokino functions.


KARATE - “A Complete Book on Karate Competition"   by Soshihan S.Kothandan 8th Dan

I have been writing and speaking from past 46 years about Tamilnadu is known to be a “Japan of India". This is mainly because Japan has contributed so much to Karate like the same way tamilnadu is also significantly took part with Karate development. My strong desire drives me to contibute significant to that Art in India and especially keep main focus on Tamilnadu where I grown. That was the day, In 2002, Dec. 23rd I published a book in Tamil and English “A Complete Book on Karate Competition", was glad to know that has brought forth restoration among thousands of Karate Instructors. So far, wherever I go throughout Tamilnadu and come across many of the Instructors thanking whole heartedly, that the Book being published in Tamil language is very beneficial for them to understand and render the duty of a referee in a perfect manner. Furthermore thousands of students who practice karate shared their gratitude that My note on the book helped them to understand the rules and regulations of the Karate Tournament and enabled them to perform in a better way.

Also, in the book, I had shared my learning experience in both English and Tamil as the foot note in each page. By that many of the students practicing Karate from different Instructors form various parts of the country contacted me in person as well as through phone and shared the benefits obtained by them. I was more delighted by seeing its benefits reaching karate-kas. And I treasure this as my success for the sincere effort. I tribute that success of my effort to the Art of Karte

This book stood as a stepping stone for what I have left for the future generations. In reality, it has been transformed the Karate as a sport all over the country. Just as the way I have helped the future generation through my effort, experience and talent, to understand the art of Karate easily in the above said book, similarly, for the first time, through the Seminar on Kata, I have explained on the board in Tamil and English, the technical terms used in Japanese language

Safety Nunchaku - Safety Nunchaku Grand Master Soshihan S. Kothandan

23 years of continous research in Nunchaku, I have introdced Safety Nunchaku to the world August 2nd, 2015 in Chennai. Now, soon I am going to publish following books in “Safety Nunchaku”.

  • Safety Nunchaku “Techniques”
  • “A Complete Book on Safety Nunchaku Competition"
  • Safety Nunchaku “Katas”


This School was founded on 27-01-1979 by Soshihan S. Kothandan with only 6 students in Periyar Thidal in Chennai, Tamilnadu in the name of “Kokino Kobushi Kan Karate School”. Later the name was changed to “Kokino Shitoryu Karate School of India”. Now, changed to “Kokino International Karate Organziation”. So far with a total strength of 55,500 students were given training at the end of 29th February, 2016 and following are our Achievements :

Kokino’s Achievements as on 29-02-2016 as per available records

Chief Instructors‘s Experience - SoShihan S. Kothandan Kokino’s standing Total Students trained from 27.01.1979 more than
46 Years 37 Years 55,500 students

Tournaments Participated

World Tournaments 4
International Tournaments 8
Asian Tournaments 7
National Tournaments 42
National State, District, School/Club Tournaments 59

World Tournaments - 4

15th World Karate Championship (WKF) Germany 2000 nil
8th Shotokan World Cup Karate Tournament South Africa 2003 nil
2nd WUKO World Karate Championships (Seniors and Veterans) Torrent - Valencia - Spain 2007 1 Bronze
3rd World Karate Championships children, cadets & juniors Buenos Aires, Argentina 2010 2 Gold, 1 Silver & 2 Bronze

International Tournaments - 8

International Tournament Canada 1994
2nd International Karate Championship India 1998
International Tournament South Africa 1999
International Tournament Canada 1999
International Tournament South Africa 2000
International Inter-School Tournament South Africa 2000
55th Kenshukai Karate Championship Japan-Osaka 2012
Okinawa Goju-ryu Karate Open Int. Cham Malaysia 2012

Total Medals - 22 Gold, 8 Silver & 10 Bronze - 40

National Tournaments - 42

Total Medals - More than - 450

Club, School, District, State Tournaments - 59

Total Medals - More than - 610

Grand Champions

Grand Championship Award South Africa K.Vanitha 1999
Grand Championship Award South Africa R.Sriram Prabhu 2000
Deepan Raj Krishna 2000
National Grand Champion Hyderabad S.Mythili 2007
Junior World Kata Champion Argentina S.Sharan 2010
Junior World Kata Champion Argentina R.Jyothi Krithika 2010

Kokino Members - Rank Details - From 1980

Hachi Dan (8th Dan) 1
Nana Dan (7th Dan) 1
Ro-ku Dan (6th Dan) 1
Go-dan (5th Dan) 10
Yon-dan (4th Dan) 15
San-dan (3rd Dan) 61
Ni-dan (2nd Dan) 132
Sho-dan (1st Dan) 819
Brown Belt Holders 5636
Green Belt Holders 5799
Orange Belt Holders 14195

Asian Tournaments - 7

2nd Asian Shito-ryu Karate Tournament Indonesia 1980
3rd Asian Shito-ryu Karate Tournament Malaysia 1983
4th Asian Shito-ryu Karate Tournament Singapore 1985
5th Asian Shito-ryu Karate Tournament Singapore 1989
6th Asian Shito-ryu Karate Tournament Nepal 1991
1st Asian WUKO Continental Open Karate Champs India-Vizag 2006
1st Inter-continental ASIA WUKO Karate Champs India-Hyd 2008

Total Medals - 13 Gold, 18 Silver & 32 Bronze - 63

Referees & Judges

World Referee Seminar Participated - WUKO Italy 2008 Shihan S.Kothandan
1st Asian WUKO Continental Open Champs India - Vizag - 4 Continental Referees – 2006

1st Inter-continental ASIA WUKO Karate Champs - India-Hyd - 2008

Chief Referee K.Vanitha
Judges - Mirror & Corner Sensei V.L. Richard & Sensei R. Niranjan
Judges - Arbitrator Sensei K. Prasanna Kumar


Referee Seminar (WKF) By Soshihan S.Kothandan Calicut, Kerala 28-01-2012
Basic Karate Seminar By Soshihan S.Kothandan Calicut, Kerala 29-01-2012
WKF Seminar Conducted by WKF Technical Chairman MR Con Kasis Delhi 11-03-2012
WKF Latest Rules Seminar by Mr Baskar(WKF Refree) Chennai 07-10-2012
Ogasara-Ha Shitoryu Karate Kata Seminar - Soshihan S.Kothandan Chennai 07-10-2012 To 2014


In 1980, Thiru M.G.Ramachandran, the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu, appreciated the Kokino team whole heartedly, for participating in the 2nd Asian Shiot-ryu Karate Tournament held in Indonesia, as the first Indian Shito-ryu Karate Team

In 1994, the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu Ms.J.Jayalalitha besides her appreciation, helped the Indian Kokino Team with financial assistance, for participating in the International Championship held in Canada, where they won 2 Gold, 3 Silver, and 1 Bronze medals.

In 1999, the then Chief Minister of Tamilnadu Thiru M.Karunanidhi, felicitated the winners of the Kokino Indian Team for their outstanding performance in the International Karate Championship held in Durban, South Africa.

Kokino Trophy-1998, The First Invitational National Karate Championship, was conducted in Chennai. 900 participants took part, from all over India and foreign trophies were presented for the first time in India.

The splendid performance of the Student Master B.Rejeesh in the International Karate Tournament held in Canada during 1994, gained the recognition of the Government of Tamil Nadu and Kerala, who included his name in their 6th Standard Tamil and Malayalam Text Books.

In 1997, the outstanding performance of the student Mr.Jithender Singh helped him to get a Medical Seat under Sports Quota.

K. Vanitha of Kokino won the “Grand Champion Award” in the International Karate Tournament held in Durban, South Africa on 08-05-1999.

Two other students trained by Kokino, Master Sriram Prabhu and Master Deepanraj Krishna, won this “Grand Champion Award” in the African Inter-School Tournament held in Dubrnan, South Aftrica on 23-9-2000, in which they took part as special invites.



As I had written in the preface, that if I had not shared what I know and what I have learned through many years of experience from the Martial Art world, I consider myself not fullfilled in performing my duty against the citizens of India, in particular, Tamil Nadu, I am dedicating the outcome of 23 years of my research to the world – "SAFETY NUNCHAKU "


In the year 1992, California, Silicon valley of the United States of America I got an opportunity to practice under a Famous, talented Kobudo Master, Fumio Demura, who has not only limted himself in the art of ‘Kobudo’, but has written many books in those days on Martial Arts and weapons used in Kobudo, and also, performed the key in Stunt on Hollywood cinemas. While practicing under him in California, using wooden Nunchaku created many injuries in head and hand joints. Before one starts practicing Nunchaku, and gets injured with his own Nunchaku which will destroy the desire of learning the Art. And then, I understood the reason behind millions of people who begin to learn Nunchaku, withdraw themselves within a short period. I wished that learner of the Art should not be get injured during practice. Even if injured, it should not stop them from continuing further. This thought of mine, induced me to get into the research.

From then onwards, it was 1992, I started the research on Safety Nunchaku. To know the feed back and feel of the Martial Artist and people, I presented Safety Nunchaku for the first time in front of the general public and Honourable Ministers of Tamil Nadu on 28.08.2005. On this day, Safety Nunchaku, Kata, Team Kata, Kumite, Team Kumite & Own style (creativity) and other new techniques were demonstrated. This research is being continued till this day by means of meeting experts from different parts of the world and sharing their view on Safety Nunchaku as a game and as a Martial art.

Finally, 21-08-2015 I have introduced Safety Nunchaku in front of VIP’s, and General Public & released website, demonstrated KATA’s and gave Black Belt 1st Batch who got training more than two years during my research period.

Safety Nunchako Rank Details as on 29-02-2016

Confirmed Black Belt(Sho-dan) Holders 37
Probationery Black Belt Holders 29
Brown Belt ( Full Brown ) Holders 36
Brown Belt ( B-I ) Holders 43
Brown Belt ( B-II ) Holders 51
Green Belt ( G-I ) Holders 68
Green Belt ( G-II ) Holders 94
Orange Belt ( O-I ) Holders 112
Orange Belt ( O-II ) Holders 197

Some, who has questioned me on the difference of Safety Nunchaku and the weapon which is used in Kobudo can find the answers in the FAQ part, where in 15 differences are being clearly mentioned. To explain that better way, for example, 20 years back, we had doctors, who had completed MBBS. They were also called General Physicians or Family Doctors, and we used to consult them for all kinds of ailments. Whereas now, we have specialised Doctors for each part of our body.

Similarly, Kobudo is an art, where different types of weapons are involved. One cannot learn and become master in all. Therefore, I preferred in knowing all of them and wanted to excel in any one of them in particular. ( For Details please visit www.worldsafetynunchaku.org )